Hmm well I started this blog in order to share my love of all things earthy. I'm in the final year of a ceramics degree at the Crawford School of Art in Cork, Ireland, and I'd like to be able to share some of the things which inspire me, and hopefully be inspired. I will also no doubt go off on a complete tangent at times as am quite prone to pointless ramblings, but hey ho ;) I'm completely new to blogging, so will see how it goes, but I think it will be fun ;)

Recently I've been doing a lot of beach combing (which is where I met this lovely horse)'s amazing what you can find washed up on the beach. Quite baffling do giant tyres get there?? However I found some lovely pieces of driftwood, which I took home and washed, dried and sanded, and then finished off with beeswax. They look lovely...can get gorgeous colours in driftwood, but not sure what I will do with them yet!If I had the power of ten men and maybe access to a shire horse I could have hauled this home, but I don't, so I couldn't ha ;)
It does look a bit like a person who's been on the sauce and toppled over, but it did have some lovely speckly patterns in it:
I also picked up some stones, which I think might be a little bit illegal but nevermind ;) I'm a little bit addicted to stones...especially really smooth, sea-polished ones because they feel really comforting in your hand, and ones with mad shapes and stripes.
I decided to make some ceramic versions from a mould of a stone. They were made from porcelain and sanded until they were very smooth.
These ones were covered in slip and then scratched through before being fired.
These ones were saggar-fired in aluminium in a gas kiln, with seaweed, sawdust, copper wire, steel wool, salt and copper carbonate. I love the way the fire plays over the surface to give these effects.
Anyhoo, that's it for now as am feeling the need for caffeine. Hope you've enjoyed reading this, and any comments, discussions or suggestions are most welcome ;)